
Opal Foot Road, with Beijing Tong Ren Tang

     Click the picture to the next page>> Tong Ren Tang Foot Road prescription; Beijing Tong Ren Tang Foot Road, enjoy the recipe was jealous of the skin
    mm At the beginning, the world's leading cosmetics group Shiseido Shiseido Liyuan Cosmetics's Ltd held a grand brand conference in Beijing, announced with a beautiful 15-year history of Chinese women's brand to achieve the perfect AUPRES Oupo Butterfly. AUPRES Oupo as a new step The first step in the water should be the official website of Health, fully updated with a new skin care system, the image counter,mac makeup wholesale, advisory services and branding brilliant debut. AUPRES Oupo brand new form of glass as the raw water should be active in the Mainland, the spokesman Sun Li and Hong-pop scene in recent Yu Quan Mao years of combined wine debut conference. In the conference, by Sun Li starred AUPRES Oupo brand new television commercials and print ads for the first time to the public; Yu Quan combination of interpretation of the brand-new AUPRES Oupo new song tailored advertising mm High image to win the recognition of consumers. With the rapid development of society as the backbone of the 25-35 year-old Chinese female white-collar women, with a reasonable sense of values ​​and the beauty of the times, constantly pursuing to tap their own unique charm of the beauty secrets. So, carries the more attractive for Chinese women to provide a better value of the beautiful new vision, new brands debut AUPRES Oupo. in good faith should be raw water for the ; the brand spirit, take the initiative to explore the beauty of each of the source of Chinese women in order to Chinese women has great meaning to bring a full moral Beijing Tong Ren Tang skin care revolution.
    every woman's skin,vibram 5 fingers, bears are born with beautiful skin vitality generated. This release of the new skin care products role in skin deep, by 42 days of care, stimulating the internal activity,mac makeup, foster healthy stratum corneum,mac brushes, thereby enhancing their ability Zi Yun Hung Mao wine, to create a visible beauty, so that every women skin. Gentle milk and a new multi-effect protective skin of cotton and other products. times two locks and pale skin care products based on three levels of focus groups be effective mm ① update cycle to maintain normal skin (wake-Hwan living essence) ② training health of the skin layer (stratum corneum skin sterile components) ③ low-humidity environment to maintain skin moisture status (sensor-based moisturizing ingredients) mm by three effects, the new AUPRES Oupo to make your . These new products will be in April this year, more than 700 throughout the country overall sales counter.
    this article from the official website of Beijing Tong Ren Tang Foot Road, Mary Kay offers full support http://www.tv36588.com
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