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Mechanical protection (eg, clam shell back in the pool plywood, doing weight-bearing exercise forearm surrounded rattan),  mac brushes  , protection movement, and water treatment are effective. Encourage your child to do some self-care, position conversion, handling things, the establishment of their self-confidence are very helpful. n When an osteogenesis imperfecta patients need to learn new skills, or demonstrate a skill has been mastered. Many important self-care skills, such as going to the toilet, dressing, bathing, dressing or preparing food, for patients with osteogenesis imperfecta is a challenge. Some people may lack the power to complete the above skills, or because of that height or use a wheelchair in the usual specifications of the household goods difficulties. Because of  insanity workout accident, old age or a progressive skeletal deformities, osteogenesis imperfecta in children and adults need to relearn how to use a completely different way to complete a task. Through a combination of strengthening exercises, the use of armed *** adaptation, creative problem solving a variety of ways, self-care barriers can be overcome. The therapist is to listen to OI patients  north face denali families is critical voices. Through respect for their solution to the problem, the therapist can learn to solve problems unheard of a new method.

with osteogenesis imperfecta with patients and families, therapists need to remember two principles: n by means
 blackhawks jerseys appropriate environment and equipment, the majority of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta can handle Good basic daily living; n OI patients and families understand the profound impact of the disease. Listen to their views and opinions, based on their strengths and interests, and they formed a team can contribute to success.

