
north face denali , and then look down on the

 Suspension method: horizontal bar with both hands, the body hanging in the air droop, droop slightly when the toes to touch the ground better, and then do pull-up action. Boys do every day  0 -  5 times. Girls do every day   - 5 times. Exercise essentials are: pull-up when the breath, inhale slowly declines. Exercise done, to move around, so that the muscles relax. Hard to relax before hand to be clenched fist, the hand placed on the chest, then release the finger, and then press the eye, mouth, brows stretch and relax the facial muscles, and then blackhawks jerseys in bed, back and mac makeup muscles to relax . In short, we must learn to maximize the hard and maximize relaxation. Hanging method in practice for some time, you can hang this on the basis of incremental development, the method is to hang for  0 seconds, and then each department on the legs 5 kg sandbag, and then hanging  0 seconds; after that, with a belt fixed In the horizontal bar, the drape insanity workout , then put on  0 kg of iron ore weight vest, and then hanging  5 seconds. Nothing more, time and weight are not absolute, and may vary. Jump method: jump feet touch the branches, basketball, ceiling and so on.  0 times as a group, each upward jump 5 - 7 seconds, each interval of 4 - 5 minutes. To try to keep the body in a state of maximum extension. In addition to regular participation in basketball, volleyball and swimming. Basketball and spike rush must be struggling to jump when actively compete for each of the high penalties.
 Because jumping is the primary training content, so the Yili jump  00 times a day or so. Traction: Standing  0 -  0-meter-high mound, the relaxation speed run north face denali , and then look down on the floor, helped by the two partners, one partner holding the hands of practitioners wrist, the other a grip training Diao's lower leg, both energetically in the opposite direction at the same time, pulling the trunk   -   times    -  5 minutes, repeated 6 -  0 times. This series of exercise will help correct short legs, curvature of the spine, flat feet, and \to achieve higher purposes. The most important is that we must seriously and confrontation. Information mac brushes two children grow taller CCTV at  5:4  on July  9th,  004  , Professor Lin Wansheng Peking University Institute of Children Health Center for Chinese Children's Centre Nutrition Expert Committee engaged in teaching school children and adolescent health and scientific research work in child growth and development has revealed deep research papers and more than 70 monographs,  0 articles written academic books. (Left)  , Professor Lin Xiaoming, Peking University School of Public Health, Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene,

