
north face denali grams of bone soup making process

 Together with some soft white sugar each bun, steamed Wrap on Long Ti, remove Zhuangpen Serve. Roubao Zi sauce stuffing practices Sauce Ingredients: 1 fresh Roumo (also can be cooked a little bit of lean meat chopped small, I like the broken point of the meat sauce to the Jiaocheng); 2, yellow onion diced 3, 4, sweet sauce, chicken, sugar, salt, the amount of practice: 1 pot of oil until the oil is hot under the Roumo Wen Q    icheng causal, then put into a sweet sauce, sugar, a little salt and a little chicken turned fry for a while, then put a little fried onions Sheng Huang out of standby; 2, the fermentation of dough out  blackhawks jerseys exhaust air, (more dough produced on the production process, see Hanamaki production), knead a small section of dough into  insanity dvd  ; 3, roll the dough into a pastry bag into the stuffing after, shut up and put into the steamer, to open on the tray of cold water over high heat until water boils, turn the pan over medium heat 10 minutes; Goubuli buns with raw material group (system 68, pig meat): 600 grams of flour, pork 425 grams (seven thin three fat), yeast surface 375 grams, 5 grams of alkaline noodles,
 soy sauce 87.5 grams, monosodium glutamate 5 grams, 4 grams of ginger, green onion 35 grams, sesame oil 60 grams, north face denali grams of bone soup making process: 1. boneless pork filling system Java fascia, the mountain of meat Rong, add ginger mixture, the soy sauce bone soup water in batches to join, each time stirring pull its weight, to be of moderate hardness, add chopped green onion MSG sesame oil mixed into the stuffing. 2. and the  mac brushes  will be 550 grams of flour together with yeast surface on the pot, add water to 275 g and into the dough, cover with a damp cloth to ferment . When there is fat in the pot, then arch, the right into the base surface (melt with water), thoroughly kneading hides, slightly Xing. 3. Sprinkle 50 grams of pavement forming chopping board, knead the dough put up a smooth, rub strips. Pulling into 68 sub-agents, sub-rounded to surface agents, flatten, roll into about 8 cm in diameter, thin-skinned, including 15 grams of meat into, shut package Yan, pleated flower should be uniform, not less than 15 fold. 4.

