
Betty Sun released the single

 Sun Li Click here to view all entertainment pictures

Sun Li had previously had no intention to enter the music scene to become a professional singer , but fun Or work needs to record the track work has been carried out. Such as the 2006 Love Story Since the end of 2009, singer-songwriter with the cooperation between Mo Yan Lin , Sun Li 's attempt to start more . Released in July this year, with Mo Yan Lin chorus of
contrast, Mo Yan Lin is known to be very talented singer circle , and she created in 2003 , However, the road of her own singer, but not smooth ,mac makeup, the market lukewarm . Sun Li as an actor there are better compared to the professional singer 's music market. Television funded the film industry , television,vibram 5 fingers, film audience base several times larger than music listeners even ten times , this concern will be the basis for major brands , which allow Sun Li 's Such as the Sun Li 's single And just two days ago , Sun Li has just become a spokesman for the Swiss watch brand . Sun Li is now a TV series ,blackhawks jerseys, Venturi J188
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