
Shanghai Men's Volleyball home unique birthday beautiful cheerleaders for the fans

    Tang Zhaoli people so that each home unique ,vibram five fingers

    Tang Zhaoli beautiful women who led dozens of lovely children, pushing a cart toward the North Stand. Trolley carrying a large white box, suddenly, the box was opened, the mascot Tang Tang jumped out, and Tang Zhaoli doll mascots thrown together to the audience.
    this day, the audience is the birthday of Miss Wu Xia, Tang Zhaoli people, Tang Tang for their child in this special way for her to send the birthday wishes. Before ringing in the birthday song, the scene of dozens of children's cheerleaders also presented the audience wonderful performances.
    concept to build a new volleyball stadium, creating eight-time winner and Tang volleyball gold medal match of the football market, the Tang Dynasty Volleyball Club fees efforts can be described as evil, in addition to spend to build the country's most beautiful professional cheerleaders - Tang Zhaoli who have innovative ideas for each home show. Not only clothing accessories-the-spot updates, music and dance of different times and, every performance has a unique theme, the songs and dances from the Night in Shanghai, to the tropical Hawaii, to the innocence of childhood dreams, people's professional and hard Tangzhao Li evident.
    the volleyball match fast paced, live performances and activities to have a strictly limited, in order to collect a variety of live events interspersed in the competition system in close to a week before the start of the league, the club flew personally responsible Beijing,nhl hockey, with Paiguanzhongxin coordination related issues. On the other hand, Tang Zhaoli people seize every minute of training, so the new appearance of the Tang Dynasty, sent the audience home volleyball volleyball a carnival.
    the future, the Lantern Festival, Valentine's Day, Broadway shows and other topics will also be home to volleyball in the Tang Dynasty have been staged, as the Tang Dynasty to the majority of the fans the club promised,insanity dvd, National Volleyball highest level of confrontation,mac makeup, it is a unique visual feast. ===
    (Editor: Yang Cheng)

