
DNF roaming experience mixed flow guns , roaming the new era - DNF roaming - DNF - DNF- tour for a long time network (UUU9) DNF Information Station

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    long hair          Equipment: 55 heritage: the soul of the goddess of the weasel Armor Control Set (5 sets) streamer Leather Package
    Weapons: ghost hand crossbow, bursting of blood eagle, night stalker, Tyra stone hand gun
    Jewelry: Terra stone bracelets, necklaces Terra Stone, Terra stone ring,mac makeup, gold watch Roger equatorial broken flower knots, the ring shadows on the snow of the honor, Daphne's Hanyu chest to fall, ring nebula coldest month
    title: White Tiger of the soul, death the title, Ninuerta God's will since that is also a decent ...
    DNF revision of Chapter VII of roaming the weakening of the large degree of convergence that all robots are this angry. With non-stop version of the update and revision of the professional skills and a new awakening,mac brushes, with the various occupational the rise, compared to roam more in his back is not a disadvantage ... invincible, take the initiative to change the remote grid file ... and when we get used to them, the more things come with a cup. VIII The revision is undoubtedly the biggest blow roaming - PK sites have the skills to reduce harm to a small degree of convergence, indiscriminately harm to a large degree of convergence weakened counter stun time reduced. These two skills, but roaming the tools to eat indiscriminately expire before ah ... can get rid of the blood of twenty thousand people for a while now indiscriminately beating people like to help people take a bath - damage sight. say fight back, as long as the counter-attack before being counter-attack of vertigo within and immediately ran to the BBQ or in time. And now If people can only run after you faint, or you go to think his way through the BBQ, others as early as the solution of vertigo. But reducing return weakened, still have to play the game, so plus points done a change.
    IX did not enhance roaming, still retains its original state, damage is still as vulnerable but not too professional.
    skills simulator add a little case:
    Occupation: God】 【gun
    Level: 60
    Total SP: 4151
    Used SP: 4140
    remaining SP: 11
    task was SP: 670
    Daren Contract: No equipment
    *********】 【skill categories *********
    --------- Shooting】 【fancy ---------
    knee hit, level 6
    floating bombs,vibram 5 fingers, level 11
    compulsory - the knee hit, grade 1
    instantaneous kick, level 20
    revolver proficient, Level 1
    fast loading, grade 1
    death, grade 1
    force - floating bombs, grade 1
    aerial shooting, Level 1
    riding shot, level 1
    round kick, level 20
    got up round kick, level 1
    force - Instant play, grade 1
    Enforcement - round kick, level 1
    remote block,blackhawks jerseys, level 1
    revenge back, level 18
    triple control, level 1
    floating Kongjie strike, level 16
    mobile shooting, Level 9
    headshot strike, grade 3
    hit back, grade 1
    quickly drew, grade 5
    indiscriminately, grade 3
    multiple headshots, grade 5
    Double Eagle roundabout,

