
Malaysian cellular removed overnight Expo Volleyball

Expo four units take fire from Tibet Road to Luban Road, a total of 0.746 square kilometers in Puxi's Expo Fire & Security tasks. Expo Park in order to ensure the safety of the fire district,nhl hockey, the Expo fire four units of 22 3 venues and outside the park around the Expo parking lot dedicated water source, building structure, operations and other comprehensive Paimo carried out, focusing on familiar internal architecture exhibition structure, fire control system, internal fire fighting facilities, the surrounding traffic, water and other fire safety situation, formulate a scientific disposal program.

7 day of the month, Bay Recreation Expo visitors suddenly found a small, 20 meters high there is a faint beam venues hornet's nest. Venue to the fire department for assistance immediately, the Expo overnight fire removed the four units the size of a volleyball hornet's nest.
Taking into account the wasp more sensitive to light during the day and handle easily angered and hurt wasp Bay play in the recreation of small tourists, fire and party venue to discuss Night hornet's nest removed when closed.
the night, firefighters climbed up the ladder along the 15-meter beam, the size of a volleyball took down the hornet's nest. In accordance with past practice, firefighters are usually burned to hornet's nest. Fearing the use of fire in the Expo will cause unnecessary alarm fire sent for a few bags, huge hornet's nest will be sealed and taken to off-site cleaning.
there in June of the day, firefighters encountered a situation never encountered. Four fire units received a report, a tourist was stuck in the elevator. Expo many tourists, trapped in the elevator is very vulnerable to injuries. But when firefighters arrived on the scene, he was a sight that stunned the tourists are not trapped in the elevator car, but rather stuck in the escalator. A 20-year-old female tourist, with his head in the arm of the escalator, face, chin covered with blood, surrounded by tourists at a loss. It turned out that tourists during the trip may be tired, board the escalator, he suddenly collapsed, his chin was accidentally stuck in the elevator between the handrail and the wall. Regardless of the presence around the venue staff or visitors, have not seen this situation, the fire department had to seek help.
four fire units rushed to the Expo, immediately begin rescue, first carefully tourists to move out from the slit, and then be sent to the ambulance stretcher.
Win the World Expo has now entered the final sprint stage, the soldiers will remain at their posts to continue to do solid work, tough fight for the Expo security and make unremitting efforts to the final victory.
since the opening of the Expo,vibram five fingers, the Expo has been a fire four police squad of 28,mac makeup, successfully performed emergency duty and stationed to defend the task, the park continued to maintain zero-fire situation. These out of the police rescue, relief and rescue to help tourists predicament and social assistance reached 16 times.
◎ Digital
Garrison Expo private parking for 80 days
10 月 1 day, 14 am National Day, Shanghai World Expo park dedicated parking Management Company Limited will face embroidered He was holding the hand of the officers and men moved to say, > Expo fire four officers and men of units Puxi park not only shoulder the important task of the fire rescue, the Expo also charged with three dedicated car parks fire safety. In particular, during the National Day, the officers and men stationed in point of time to give up holidays, according to weather conditions, the daily parking of vehicles on the 3 to 5 times the sprinkler to cool and stick out at intervals of 1 hour a vehicle safety inspection.
Expo fireworks positions stationed 98 hours
to ensure that the opening ceremony of the Expo fireworks display fire safety activities, the Expo immediately set up a four-unit research group and the Garrison group, learn more about the Lupu Bridge, Hong Kong point of the roof garden in New World distribution of fireworks, fireworks display on fire safety in the surrounding area carried out field research,insanity dvd, see the park and around the discharge area of roads, water, key facilities and other relevant circumstances, and according to the scene to carry out garrison force deployment and tactical studies to determine the garrison locations and emergency rescue route, the timely implementation of fire prevention measures. Meanwhile, strict compliance with the officers and men stationed group discharged on-site installation supervision 24 hours a day. Stick fireworks in the position 98 hours after the successful completion of the opening ceremony of the Shanghai World Expo to defend the work of fireworks activities.
day, Fire Expo will be four units of fire brigade source of the fire area to conduct a comprehensive inspection. Up to now, a total of four units of 134 fire hydrant maintenance. After water remediation, the four-unit management in the region and around the fire hydrant good rate of 100%.

