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    up :2007-04- 13 18:18:56
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    stroll to the shops I support -> Loading ... Loading ... my big group to the label quality of your referrals Balenciaga motorcycle bag how to identify the genuineness Loading ... my shopping guide helpful you: Loading ... [I] Leather articles
    a soft, fold
    one that leather, not the expensive things. Some people will care about leather or sheepskin, to be honest, this is like synthetic or silk clothes care, as long these days better than the silk fiber is poor, pure silk clothes and a 50 round, but a Marc jacobs clothes several there are thousands of chemical fiber. So whether or sheep leather pig skin, not the point, such as LV, BURBERRY well-known models, are not leather. That far away,mac makeup, or go back to the dermis of the problem, as are leather, the leather will choose the site and handle the leather is benevolent.
    Balenciaga the most famous is that it is the boss of the world's fur processing, most will deal with the leather and color, many well-known designer brands have been to their design centers have been trained fur. Therefore, the locomotive is the most important feature of the package deal is very good leather and soft, multi-level, thin but strong.
    Below: false motorcycle bag, the leather is smooth, no lines and folds, flat, not soft.

    fold following can be seen clearly genuine, but in 2006 autumn and winter of the material (this specific mention in another post.) I often have to take real pictures bag contains something for it to The fakes are not so soft.

    Second, the multi-level
    Although the motorcycle bag leather is very thin, but still very level. Of course, I talked to each color, the leather is also not the same level of feeling, consult a Balenciaga by employees, know that this is in the process of dealing with the color difference as a result of processes are different. To paragraph 06, the blue line is the level of rich, black leather is not as fluffy, but compared and fakes, there are still layered. The brown paper packages wrapped in leather like a sponge. Side from the ears, we can see that I said that the level and fluffy.
    the following: Top: fake leather was not level, and the thick leather; in: the most authentic in the blue fluffy; Below: Although there is no genuine black blue fluffy, but still look sub-layer, rigid and do not want to fake it, the leather is thinner than fake.

    [b] hardware articles
    one, color, weight, shape
    motorcycle bag and season each year, the hardware will be adjusted. The most common is the vintage of the copper. Usually look at a package of genuine hardware is also very important because the fakes are usually reluctant to buy the finest metal materials. That costs too high. If you decorate the house will have this experience, a door handle, are known as pure copper, good quality and price of the brand to be much more expensive than the small sign. Bags in the selection of hardware is also the same reason. Therefore, the difference between true and false color, weight and shape.
    Below: linking two bags of different colors, the color is too uniform fakes left, but was right in the authentic If you weigh in his hand, feeling the weight will be different. Of course, you might at a glance, not the same as the shape of the two hooks,mac brushes, fake rotation at the turn of the entire circle, and too thick. Is that the rotation of genuine two and a half circle, and a little sharp.

    added: motorcycle bag PONY version using a silver metal.

    Second, the zipper
    fake and genuine zipper color is different.

    even this fake zippers are not the same shape.

    genuine two zipper can be pulled on the other side, the middle is not broken

    authentic colors and zipper fakes are different.
    [c] label and number of articles
    MM asked each bag by the country there is no birth certificate, true and false verification code, how to prove that you are genuine, I simply answer : Yes, but also how authentic proof? I am not really a bad attitude, because what's the use of these numbers? All of these things are complete fakes. Moreover, in the end I really do not know which books or card and be regarded as a birth certificate. These brands produced, it is itself genuine, it does not matter all out to show proof of their identity, design and workmanship is the last word.
    , of course, I understand their feelings of MM, because online shopping can not be trusted. So I still talk about the motorcycle bag of
    a metal card
    metal plate is 925, in the lower right corner you can see inside an oval-shaped 925 words. Explain, the bottom row of figure models, such as the following figure is the city series, the middle of the figure will change, and relating to the classification of color, I have not seen this color left, difficult to trace figures on the right, but leave the number of goods is likely to be right, because they are strictly in accordance with a genuine copy, very conscientious. In fact, following in the fake with all the genuine content, but obviously serious wear brand, even second-hand, would not be so easy to wear. Genuine metal plate is very smooth, very difficult to shoot down the camera because the camera can see like a mirror. In addition,mac makeup wholesale, careful observation of the relatively sharp engraved, and genuine are more mellow. (Trumpet the firsy and the box is not metal cards, direct the leather card)

    two leather card
    Leather contents of the above card, but also figures as the first part, the latter part numbers based on the color specifications are not the same.
    authentic lettering is very clear, fixed brand of sewing is also done very neat, fake thread usually chaos. This is what I have said, to find a good worker, take the time to sew by hand, the cost will increase, so do not like fake flowers cost.

    on the map is fake and genuine with a lower figure, but it failed to understand the more the two figures, and the fixed brand of thread is also very neat
    < p>
    three, logo, etc. and spare ears
    Balenciaga tag a total of four samples of small things, as shown. Paper and shape are extremely simple, unlike other brands still hard card. So the basis of this is hard to say true or false. Apart from checking the above number, but just said, the fake numbers may often be right. Also take a look at the paper and printing, low-cost brand of fake cut is not even neat, printing rather ambiguous. But the
    every motorcycle bag has a roll of more than Yusui Zi, one as a spare bag to buy ears, but you look at material. Genuine leather is too soft because it is always so casual roll into a ball, fakes are usually very neat volume. Of course, after I heard the fake business, you can also ended up not so neat.

    [four] packaging articles
    usually just have on the dust bag authentic bag, while the fakes are more like a laptop with a plastic Taobao with like, a little town feel of products.
    Other: weight and sewing children,vibram 5 fingers, odor
    If you happen to have a friend who has a similar style of the authentic bags, the two packages used by weighing the approach is also useful The. Because all genuine leather and metal materials are different, so the weight will be a gap. I have tried a section coach, fake 9 oz lighter than the real. Chloe also tried to lock a package, or fake light. Motorcycle bag I have not tried, maybe you can use this approach.
    Another thing is to see children doing in needlework, false rough nature, in particular, the site received a bad line.
    last is to ask the smell, all genuine motorcycle bag is a smell, chloe lock bag is, I am now able to identify them by smell, but not used for this approach ineffective genuine mm . But there is a MM also said she did not bag a little bit of smell, it would not be right.
    this guide Tags: Package identification Paris
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