
I then want to find your way - mourning the first anniversary of the earthquake - Times Online - News

     】 【 topic Find your way ,mac brushes
    countless people fell in the direction
    the direction of the earth dusty broken
    siren 's lament
    I like A lost child
    is pain all over attacks
    head I can only cry
    far unable to comply with
    a ritual bow to silence
    so many people no longer speak
    that the direction of silence
    flag hanging in the wind and rain in half
    prop up the mother in the rubble Rubble
    baby sucking the last drop of breast milk
    last drop of breast milk
    to mend the rift the earth
    the distance many arid -humid Eyes
    forgive me for that moment
    bewildered to find your way
    I only know pain gushing from all sides
    your Direction
    earth Douzhen have been sad like the wind drift
    what I need to have their own powerful
    seize the trembling like Dinghaishenzhen The direction of the earthquake
    but I will eventually not Dinghaishenzhen
    only by his own tears again and again overturned
    year later
    < p> I finally understood your direction
    you hide in a corner of southwest China
    hiding in the sunset years
    quietly breathing healing
    dust has been fixed
    write I do not know whether I will bother you sad
    I look into your eyes in the distance
    Still look like a wound
    watch the direction of a silent
    looking a soul which shake

    original name: Yellow Mei

