
Sun Health

 [how much should be eaten a day? At least 2 copies or more. I believe we all heard of the concept of five fruits and vegetables every day.

This is before the United States to implement the concept of anti-cancer health, eat at least 3 servings of vegetables a day + 2 servings of fruit. . And 1, which means that about 100 grams, about the size of a fist fruit. Almost is an orange, small apple, or kiwi. So one day you should eat more than 2. And when the choice of fruit.

Colors as you can choose different types of edible fruits (different colors represent the different nutrients contained). This allows the nutrient intake to different! The different functions of different colors of fruit purple fruits: such as blueberries, blackberries, etc., including anthocyanins, anti-aging. White fruits: such as pear, white peach and so on.


lower cholesterol. Daike smooth skin fruits: such as oranges, grapefruit.

Containing carotene, boost the immune system. Green fruits: such as kiwi, avocado, with progesterone. Strong bones and teeth. Red fruits: such as watermelon, tomatoes.

containing lycopene.

health urinary tract. Product] Herborist White-sided, your work must be completed in the Bobbi Brown smooth skin it? Do you often face the LOHAS continuous smooth skin a few hours? If the answer is yes.

your facial skin that has a trendy new name It is a sign of a family of e ol times.

Is large pores, dark skin, from dry skin, acne skin problems and a series of breeding synonymous. Since we can not leave work and life of Chi O smooth skin of water.

So let the delicate skin to the original action.

with the annoying Liquid market

4. Sunscreens Cleansing Oil is not the highest index of the last two years, popular cleaning products. Many women believe that. Without Cleansing Oil, not the face makeup, dirt clean; but many people oily skin. After using the cleansing oil. Anti long face acne. Thus beauty experts advise those who, Cleansing Oil not for everyone. Cleansing Oil dissolves oil to grease makeup. Cleaning effect is indeed very good, but usually only if the heavy makeup bridal makeup and the like.

Only required to the cleansing oil.

makeup of the average woman on weekdays, there need not be so strongly clean. Many women mistake.

Due to air dirty. So to rub Cream protection remover should also be exposed to the air, in fact. Cream is for the isolated powder, make-up damage to the skin.

impact of dirty air is not as serious as most people imagine.

just select the appropriate cleanser. Cleaning effect is sufficient. Although easy to remove make-up remover oil.

but to remove cosmetics.

will take away the skin.

if this makeup every day.

may be cleared over the stratum corneum .

reduce skin protective, anti-vulnerable. Using the Uninstall oil should consider the suitability of individual skin, like dry skin than people.

the need to more moisture. With the Cleansing Oil, Face is very comfortable lubrication; Therefore, a female friend in the choice of makeup products, should be aware of their skin, the skin at the ear or try a few days to determine the oil is not too dry or too then . In addition, the skin can be with the seasons, the environment changes, smooth muscle. So now partial oil. Does not mean always partial oil.

so might as well prepare two sets of cleaning products, a more moisture. A more refreshing.

switch to another depending on skin condition.

consult a doctor when necessary to avoid the wrong product. Smooth skin on the prime European children, said: eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away. Apple looked ordinary. It is to be recognized as able to prevent many diseases, Apple contains polysaccharides, potassium, pectin, tartaric acid, malic acid, citric acid, polyphenols, flavonoids and other.

Can effectively reduce body fatigue.

Provide comprehensive nutrition. And its contained zinc. It is a variety of important enzymes in the body elements, with enhanced memory effect. TCM: Apple of sweet cool. There Chufan Jieshu fluid lungs, appetizers and other effects. In addition.

apple procyanidins also strengthen bones, to maintain acid-base balance, prevent colon cancer and so on. Beauty: contains a lot of vitamin c and apple phenols. Can inhibit melanin. To help eliminate skin pigmentation. Increase in hemoglobin.

distributed red shiny skin. , But to soak 4. Orange juice to drink a glass of fresh orange juice to be more than the recommended daily amount of intake of vitamin c. Vitamin c is important antioxidants can help strengthen the immune system to eliminate free radicals iron absorption. Orange juice is also rich in potassium and folic acid folic acid is important for women of childbearing age to prevent birth defects and cancer. 5. Vegetable salad to eat a variety of vegetables, the easiest way to provide plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Can be mixed with several kinds of green vegetables (such as vitamin a, folic acid, fiber and more lettuce and spinach, lettuce), plus tomatoes, carrots, cucumber. Study pointed out that at least three vegetables a day can reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes are also likely to maintain healthy skin help but remember the high-calorie salad dressings do not add too much. 6. Peanut Butter Peanut Jianguo class rich in protein,mac makeup, fiber, zinc and vitamin e is also a vitamin b1, niacin, folic acid, which contains a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids in the blood can increase good cholesterol (hdl) lower bad cholesterol (ldl) cardiovascular protection. Busy with peanut butter with a cup of whole wheat bread, skim milk is a convenient and nutritious meal. 7. Sweet potato sweet potato is rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin c surplus smile about love.

You want to know: ● lipstick and lip gloss are women's favorite make-up a single product. But without doing maintenance work in advance.

Precipitation will color, lip color becomes deeper.

Lips become dry while molting, lip darker.

So Be sure to select the lipstick with moisturizing ingredients. reduce the sense of dry lips.

and first with the lip balm base, makeup time. but also the use of specialized Eye & Lip Makeup Remover.


prevent pigmentation. Cleansing the right way is to use cotton dipped in a special fluid in the lip lip makeup for 5 seconds. Then gently from top to bottom.

Wipe from the inside out. Do not wipe with a tissue directly to the lipstick.

This will strongly stimulate the lip blood vessels, so lip color blue. ● lips can not retain water, can not produce oil, and drink plenty of water, food or sip lip balm these small actions will cause the loss. We must remember to catch up on the day painted lip balm. Generally contain Vaseline lip balm, glycerin, hyaluronic acid moisturizing ingredients such.

Will also add special ingredients according to different demands.

such as increased use of marigold and orange essence replenishment capacity.; or mint ingredients calm chapped lips; or avocado oil with vitamin e and enhance the lips softness. ● lips poorly tolerated. Spicy foods, overly salty foods, hot beverages can cause dry lips, chapped.

succeed tongue like a small, multi-consumption of food containing vitamin b2, e of food, can improve the lips of the self-defense capability. Licks his lips, rubbing his lips with your fingers a little trick of such casual lips are prone to inflammation and swelling.

try to control their own subconscious action. ● When extremely dry lips.

Will have cracks. Or molting. Do not hand stripping


free eyebrow shaping the tilt of the small pair of scissors to cut off the dry skin.

then scrub massage for about 15 seconds. Wash away with water.

then coated with a thick layer of lip balm. Love tips: According to the survey, lipstick kiss on a weekly average of 60 times.

People who do not use lipstick kiss only 20 times a week, whether you are looking for lovers.

or is about to close to 7 year itch. Grab your lipstick it faster! The amount of dry skin to accelerate change. The most important and most effective way is to enhance moisture. If you practice the following for dry skin Wash your face with a towel is puff, puff quality silk and so on. When you feel the skin Cuse is not smooth. In particular, clogging the pores appear white when acne. Gently rubbing with a towel to wash the skin.

remove the skin surface of the cuticle is still soft. dander clear blocked pores, acne, oil, because the blockage is cleared just can not afford to hand wash. step2: After cleansing, moisturizing lotion within 3 minutes of highly moisturizing lotion to use make-up water is cleansing, in order to wet skin and moisturizing skin care products used. Choose to use simple, better moisture and strong product. The most important thing is to spray immediately after cleansing wipe. step3: lotion, skin oil seal in moisture no more than casual, essential oil supplies dry skin. Will often immediately think of The emulsion with emollient oils can act as a At the same time.

the skin's own water lock function is also available to strengthen.

improve skin moisture. Morning is the best step4: make-up make-up water, secondary use of water.

improve moisturizing moisturizer coated finish, and then the first use of the flesh. Because for dry skin people. Moisturizing care not to give a sufficient water supply. Morning, the first replenishment of the skin has been completely absorbed.

Makeup can not cover it as empty. Therefore, two separate care very effective for replenishment. Your skin condition can also use this method again. step5: UV in isolation the way care sunscreen sunscreen to rub gently, do not use excessive force, too much force will the effectiveness of sunscreen by 25%; applied thickness should be noted that each time a 1-2ml usage to be effective.

the general process you use sunscreen, usually can not achieve this thickness. So will result in sunscreen failed to generate sufficient defense capability. Su Feina smooth skin. And 15-30 minutes after exposure to the sun, you must re-apply a sunscreen. Every 2-3 hours after the additional time required. Beginning of spring is over.

, winter sleep a targeted effect go away during sleep beauty sleep, our bodies secrete human growth hormone and other growth factors in the skin.

to stimulate collagen and new skin cells production, the cost of long-term lack of sleep will make the skin lose their luster. Quit smoking, according to authoritative medical reports of Estee Lauder skin smooth. The appearance of smokers than non-smokers at least 5 years old or more. Smoking and facial wrinkles deepen, which may always have his eyes smokers to avoid cigarette smoke. Drink plenty of water if the water we consume less. Gradually from the body cells the body will consume fluids, dehydration makes the body cells. Dehydration of the skin become dry, wrinkled. The solution is simple: Drink 8-10 large glasses of water a day. . Prada

sunscreen can smooth skin Europeans say: eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away. Apple looked ordinary.

Is to be recognized as able to prevent many diseases, Apple contains polysaccharides, potassium, pectin, tartaric acid, malic acid, citric acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, etc., can effectively reduce body fatigue, and provide comprehensive nutrition. And its contained zinc.

Is a variety of important enzymes in the body elements, with enhanced memory effect. TCM: Apple of sweet cool.

have Chufan Jieshu fluid lungs, appetizers and other effects. In addition, the apple procyanidins also strengthen bones, to maintain acid-base balance, prevent colon cancer and so on. Beauty: contains a lot of vitamin c and apple phenols. Can inhibit melanin.

help eliminate skin pigmentation. increase in hemoglobin. Distributed red shiny skin. Many people believe that resist the purple.

skin care is a very tedious thing. Go to beauty salons to do of course good, but for ordinary people and can not afford. Here to tell you about a very simple, affordable method of home skin care cosmetic boiled egg method. Prior to the face with warm water washed, dried, cooked eggs will be peeled while hot, in the face with warm egg roll.

forehead start from the two eyebrows.

to scroll along the muscle until the hairline; eye mouth is a circular muscle, so the ring rolling; nose is a nose from the bridge of the nose along the syncline on the roll; cheek is from the inside to the outside top of the syncline rolling.

until the eggs cool completely. Eggs to use cold towel massage a few minutes, so you can shrink facial pores. Facial massage with the benefits of boiled eggs: 1, freshly cooked hot egg facial skin can promote vasodilation and enhance blood circulation. And then make pores and cold towel vasoconstriction.

such a relaxation and elastic skin full of luster. 2, egg quality soft.

flexible, the village is a good massage the skin material. 3, the main extreme egg is protein. In the massage process. The nutrients can be absorbed through the skin directly through the pores, nourish the skin. 4 eggs after the massage. Can throw away the egg white, egg yolk and eat; to enhance the body's nutrition. 5, the economic benefits. Easy. Lines, acquired form: complex causes a large pores: the formation of larger pores and blackheads horizontal main problem.

Excess sebum oil pipeline more easily oxidized to harden. Black is more evident. 2, improper use of cosmetics: long-term use with heavy oil or protein products.

Easily lead to old age. Oxidation will form a blackhead. With the pore walls stick together firmly, easy to wash away the day cleansing. 3,mac makeup wholesale, dietary habits: From the Chinese point of view, blood heat, heat to the stomach, blood stasis and so should result in blackheads, acne, acne. So. To adjust the diet,mac brushes, eat too oily, spicy food. Operation Tip: 1 cleansing mask. Also apply to dry skin blackheads and acne from the skin to form, clean mask can damage its structure. Soil and other ingredients which can be sucked out of the deep pores of oil, is more secure. Dry skin around the nose section can be used. 2 solution feasible.

, But do not diy acid acid, salicylic acid can dissolve the oil, clean dirt, just bear fruit slowly. Love the thick layer of oil on the nose sebum. Acid does not cause the skin discomfort. However, the concentration of acid in 15%. Common to the whole situation from the tip of the nose nose.

both black, there are more gray and gently squeeze to squeeze out one fat granule.

thin holes left. Damage index: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ undermine the overall aesthetic. Need to use special makeup base to dilute the black of the cover. Rectification: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ no less than the skin of vitamin deficiencies.

often the first in the skin, mucous membranes, some easily overlooked symptoms. The symptoms of the body to determine whether the lack of which the lack of vitamins and vitamin has very important reference value. . In addition to product yesterday in terms of estrogen is very important to women.

Characteristics it is to maintain the second important factor in a woman. Estrogen makes a woman's skin look soft and delicate. But with age. Estrogen secretion is also reduced, the skin loses the luster and elasticity of the past. If you want to delay aging.

that estrogen replacement therapy to become a daily consumption of the content should be considered. Many people believe that. Skin care is a very tedious thing. Go to beauty salons to do good of course. But for ordinary people and can not afford. Here to tell you about a very simple, affordable method of home skin care cosmetic boiled egg method. Prior to the face with warm water washed,vibram 5 fingers, dried, cooked eggs will be peeled while hot, in the face with warm egg roll.

forehead start from the two eyebrows. along the muscle to scroll up until the hairline; eye mouth is a circular muscle, so the ring rolling; nose is a nose from the bridge of the nose along the syncline on the roll; cheek syncline from the inside to the outside is above the scroll. Until the eggs cool completely. Eggs to use cold towel massage a few minutes.

This shrink facial pores. Facial massage with the benefits of boiled eggs: 1, freshly cooked hot egg facial skin can promote vasodilation and enhance blood circulation. And then make pores and cold towel vasoconstriction. Such a relaxation full of shiny skin and flexibility. 2 egg soft, flexible. The village is a good massage the skin material. 3, the main extreme egg is protein. In the massage process, the nutrients can be absorbed through the pores of the skin directly. Nourish the skin. 4 eggs after the massage. Egg white can be thrown away. .

Eat egg yolk; to enhance the body's nutrition. 5, affordable, simple and easy. . Causes of dark skin, defective self-reliance: the slow metabolism of the skin. Some toxins within the skin caused by acne can not be excluded and acne.

Fact, this is a phenomenon of inflammation of hair follicles.

Gathered the hair follicle by the sebaceous glands secrete oil, so that the hair follicle thickening of the stratum corneum, hair follicles, mouth narrowed.

which affects the normal secretion of fat excretion.

cause a variety of symptoms. Solution: to avoid provoking a mild nursed back to health. In the diet: the attention to nutritional balance, can be eaten with protein, lecithin, vitamin e and other foods.

to improve digestion and liver dysfunction. And pay attention to less smoking. Drink.

Fried, pickled foods. Eat more vegetables, fruits, milk and other foods. 2. In everyday life: not abuse drugs, should use a mild skin care products professional. And to maintain adequate sleep. Do not stay up all night, to relax and feel it is necessary to self-regulation. The amount of vitamin b. Can play a role in soothing the nervous system. 3. In the choice of cosmetics: skin should pay attention to cleanliness.

And use some of the oily skin products with a mediating role, has appeared on acne and acne should pay attention to wound hygiene.
< br> recommended a number of bactericidal anti-inflammatory products. In the usual course of business and learning.

Choose a highly appropriate chair. Your feet and back should be against the supports, the knee can be slightly lower than the hips.

It's a position most comfortable for you. Excellent color adjust the angle of the display Lin smooth skin.

guarantee it in front of the line of sight. Regular activities.

At least an hour to stand up and look at the activities. Try other items on the folder you have to stand up to the position to take a conscious stand or receive calls.

a walk after lunch break. Stretching the back.

To prevent, reduce back pain. Adhere to every half hour at work. Straightened.

placed both hands on the lower back. leans back.

stretch when the action should be slow and steady. Give back to shore, a small pillow when sitting or cushions on the lower back. Constantly changing inclination of the backrest, to provide support for lower back.

reduce excessive pressure on the muscles. Attention to diet. Eat more low fat, nutritious food. More intake of calcium, osteoporosis can lead to spinal fracture and back pain. Therefore, we must ensure that adequate intake of calcium to bone hardness. Strengthening exercise, exercise a week.

Can enhance and extend through exercise the muscles supporting the spine can not only protect the spine.

and can be absorbed through the soft tissue damage that would be the pressure to protect tendons and ligaments. ◆ test: the value of your body ph balance? Body beautiful, happy mood, vitality and more. Are related to our body pH (ph value) is closely related to balance. How do you know whether the value of the body's ph balance? The easiest way is to conduct a pH test. It will provide you with accurate answers. First you need to prepare ph test strips.

Pharmacies (if not buy, you can also go to the hospital for testing).

for 3 days and then the ph value of the urine test: first test strip dipped in morning urine.

the morning the first urine after waking up.

then observe the color change test strip displayed on the package insert and comparing the color bar. ph

draw the corresponding value. Usually the value of most of the morning urine is acidic ph ranges. Because the human body metabolism at night, morning excrete acidic waste. Then were tested during the day 4 - 6 times (as after a meal every 2 hours 1). If the ph value of the most alkaline or neutral as normal. If you repeatedly present in the acidic range. Indicates that your body is suffering from a In addition to such specialized tests. You can also often based on recent physical symptoms to determine.

Acid had over disorder you: Do you often feel tired and weak? Your skin is pale and lack of flexibility? Your hair is dull? Do you often suffer headaches torture? Your orange peel phenomenon is getting worse? If your body is sending you these alerts.

It that?? Your body has lost its acid-base balance. ◆ the source of the body to regain vitality?? Acid-base balance in order to make the body function better functioning, human cells can well perform the task. Would require the body's pH balance. Under normal circumstances. Our body is very smart to adjust the body's Acid-base balance of the state of their own recovery.

Normal metabolism. However.

In our daily life, with the increasing input of acidic components, such as a large number of meat, sausages, snack foods, sweets, coffee, nicotine, alcohol and so on. Coupled with lack of exercise, psychological stress caused by too much, and so a high degree of physical and mental tension.

often stronger than their waste discharge. So.

The cause of acid, toxic substances blocked the slow metabolism of the body, becomes very difficult to dissolve the salt in our fat cells and connective tissue. For women, these acidic waste is the beginning of spring is over especially in winter, far away to hear some ol these days always complaining.

how the New Year there are so many things before ah. Every time I hear words like, I looked up to see their faces, although different skin conditions.

but after light makeup.

black eye, yellow gas or a few small acne inevitable. The most impressive one.

a mall cosmetics counter hit a 30-year-old girlfriend, is anxiously looking to the bags under the eyes of the Eye.

work until late at night for several days because, she claimed to have big bags under the eyes must fall, and that night. Chamber of Commerce, also a major party waiting for her glamorous to go to. Really there is such a fairy beauty. I do not know Face7 smooth skin. Let you in 5 minutes, 10 minutes to eliminate signs of fatigue moment.

Light up it? Tell you the truth.

Not. However, we actually spend 20 minutes through the first aid, make-up will be tired a temporary cover. Can also work overtime every time again, staying up late before, during and after homework effort. The skin to minimize the harm suffered. This is what we often smooth skin that beauty he saw Kerry as a noun: you see Face7 smooth skin. Skin repair. It includes the prevention of skin problems, first aid, and strengthen the multiple concepts. The prevention of skin aging plays an important role. Prelude repair: prevention know to stay up late to work overtime at night. You can be the prevention of the afternoon start, and the program that is not in the office complex and you need to prepare a bottle of oil free moisturizer? Miles. Of course, use moisturizing spray Fog can. Just use moisturizing spray, then we must pay attention after the spray finished with a soft face, facial tissue will drain the remaining water. Or let the natural evaporation of the water but will take away the skin's own moisture. It can hardly moisturizing effect. Some also worry about moisture ol? Miles will not get to spend makeup, in fact, a good quality moisturizer? Miles is on the makeup.

Clinique, h2o, Biotherm, Oupo, olay , avon and other brands have a good degree of moisture absorption and moisture? miles, you can post on the makeup. Overtime if they feel a bit of dry skin. Do not forget to Apply moisturizing? Miles. If you think that the cheeks are dry. Easing tell you a quick drying tips: two coats. Take the right amount? Miles in cheek lightly coated, then coated with a layer to be completely absorbed. This gradual spread than a single large painting can often relieve dry more quickly, do not believe you try? In addition.

conscious dinner eat more vegetables and fruits. also help to ease the dryness. Also no matter how busy his seat to stand up every hour activity for 10 minutes.

. but also the way to rest your eyes.

can reduce eye bags and dark circles. Repair priorities: no matter how spare ease & First Aid prior homework. Pressure to work overtime or make invisible skin damage. Dull skin.

more terrible acne will come up at any time. Bags under the eyes without knowing it will harass you. How to do? This time you need to do.

Is to maintain a good attitude.

Do not worry. more acute acne will have to take more. There is also a simple and effective tips to alleviate the problem of the generation of skin moisturizing mask and soothing eye mask deposited. Add End Class home. Whether the skin has no problems (in fact, the problem may have occurred, but it has not been shown).

the first time all discharge it in the makeup, then apply moisturizer and eye mask. so thirsty skin drink enough water. maintain the fixed power. Finished mask, night cream selection is crucial. Rich night cream can you sleep to repair damage skin factor, like the enhanced version of the lancomea + Repairwear Night Cream. Contains a patented nano-capsule of pure vitamin molecules and sunflower seed extracts. At night may speed up cell regeneration update At the same time antioxidant and prevent sagging skin, the skin is a good choice late at night. Another example olayregenerist call new skin series. Skin care field by leading international scientific and technological achievements of biological amino-peptidecom Juan plex (amino acid peptide complex systems), can activate the skin cells. To restore full cell renewal injury.

More smooth and compact and elastic. Is also a good choice. If after the next morning. That his face is still a problem.

need to take a more rapid first aid package. This is most likely to emerge when the question is: acne and eye problems. For acne, since it has been long out.

wish of it you do not magically go back.

you have to do is to shrink by some anti-inflammatory effects of acne with condensate Kenuo smooth skin in the acne on the poem. < br>
prevent them from re-expanding. In addition. Acne-prone parts can apply the right amount of acne Lotion. FACIAL like instant ph4 Vichy's series, from cleanser to toner to moisturizer and concealer pen. Share of product range is very delicate. As for the common eye puffiness, eye bags and dark circles, except with the cream away. Some For eye puffiness and bags under the eyes.

simple and effective method is to spoon into refrigerator for 5 minutes out, with the spoon (if it feels too much ice. spoon wrapped in a layer of plastic wrap) on the back gently press eyes about thirty seconds. < br>
unique cold metal eye can evoke a sense of anger. Swelling of the eye would have been easier if the words. Sleep the night before, when I remember some of the booster pillow. Will definitely help to prevent swelling. A cup of coffee, help the elimination of facial swelling. For dark circles, in addition to cosmetic modifications, the choice of a juicy apple or potato with.

cut into thin slices and wrap it in the eyes for 15 minutes. can improve the dark circles phenomenon. In addition, the use of gauze or cotton pad and dip some yogurt.

Deposited in the eyes for 15 minutes has a similar effect. Fixed end: The final step is clever make-up make-up. To cover the skin defect can not be quickly healed. Props this time is the best concealer pen and makeup before the up base. Concealer pen for the black eye and a small modified acne.

And makeup before the up base is used to adjust the color.

Modified dull skin. guerlain introduced last year Issima Huan Yan Concealer Pen texture is very light and can brighten the skin smooth, and cover dark circles. The Vichy Acne Concealer document the moment is played on the acne treatment and modification of the dual role. The yellow face who may wish to use before makeup lavender up base, with up base, make the skin look rosy and bright. In addition, the makeup liquid foundation when adding moisturizing cream. To reconcile the two together. Looking finish can increase the brightness and degree of moisture. Powder hold later, and then spray at a distance of 15 cm at the skin face, face toward the light spray once or twice. Helps makeup more lasting. Another 8 points early in the morning moisture. So that the skin of water a day filling 8:00-12:00 am morning skin condition: skin function strongest increase in oil 1. The function of the skin at this time moves gradually reached a peak. The strongest resistance to skin tissue.

Also very active sebaceous glands. Oil production increased. 2. Epidermal cells increased metabolic rate, epidermal cell SK smooth skin more rapidly, more than accumulation of skin starting from this time period. Focus on skin care: moisturizing skin is moist and a. spare day moisturizing skin beauty work throughout the morning lessons. Particular attention to t zone, eye and lips so that the details of the site. Only make-up water, make the skin more dry. Because when the make-up when the water evaporates.

Will be accompanied to the bottom of the water out of the skin. After 135 years before the trap of The skin there are From about the age of 35.

Skin fibroblasts the rate of destruction will exceed the rate of new fiber formation. Resulting in the gradual depletion of reserves of the skin of the fiber.

leather out of the tension continued to decline. Wrinkles will be generated.

become more apparent. So. Yes, but definitely more than that simple, do the homework sun.

Tantamount to strangling the source of a variety of skin problems. But the key question is: Do you use sunscreen products. Is the most suitable for you? Maintenance to Age, Age sunscreen have only picked the right sunscreen for your skin Age program, you can fight more with less sun! Skin sunscreen to ultraviolet rays is the age when we learned an important culprit of skin aging, the sun became the basis of daily nursing care in addition to another important outside the course. However.

you know that sunscreen is also age-related? 20 years old, full of skin moisture. Flexible, do not dare go out make-up; 25 years old, the appearance of fine lines, you start worrying about the arrival of early aging; 30.

have considered how to make yourself look younger?? skin in terms of different age groups. Skin condition, whether or nursing are quite different. So. The major skin care brands have launched a skin care for different age range.

Fact that sunscreen should! Age the sun, just how important? As in the early 20s to use the wrinkle cream will give a heavy burden on the young as the skin.

sunscreen products should use depending on the skin ages.

and primary care prior to using the perfect match in order to achieve the ideal multiplier effect. The harm of smoking to health are well known. Skin care beauty from the point of view, nicotine and other harmful substances has damaging effects on the skin capillaries.

