
Interview with Yang Lan - Community奇娅普拉达

     Community 奇娅普拉达: I wear,mac brushes, therefore I am

    her as the

    clothing as she battles with the weapons.

    dislike for certain things is the driving force behind her work.

    or her, but that luxury is the most stupid things.

    impression of Yang Lan

    young she wanted to be a philosopher, want to transform society. Have resisted on the resentment of her fashion fashion design can also be found when the expression of a social attitude, talent gushing out.

    Milan is a world famous fashion capital, where many of the world the birth of the designer line, of which,vibram 5 fingers, Ms. Miao 奇娅普拉达 known as the designer of the designer,mac makeup, she is also in this century One of the most influential women in the world. Who can think of, the women joined the Communist Party in Italy, used to think that the fashion industry is a stupid trade it? You also can not think of that when I entered her office in Milan, the first to discover what it is.

    Yang Lan: Prada lady, thank you to accept my interview. When we entered the office and noticed this slide, this is who's idea?

    Prada: Carsten Dahl's idea is, he is a German artist, his first work created in Berlin, after which he had organized the exhibition here. I think this is a genius idea. Because he is always done to make life meaningful, let you experience the moment of suspense and joy.

    Yang Lan: You have used it?

    Prada: course used. Childhood is also used.

    Yang Lan: a child is used?

    Prada: Sometimes, people use it to experiment. Fast and a little scary. Really quickly.

    no plants, no pictures. During the interview, Miao Qi Ya half-jokingly said:

    from 1978 began with a black nylon bag, Miao 奇娅普拉达 the name to represent an unusual influence. She is one of the few in recent years to change people's perception of the designers of the clothing. She has repeatedly been selected as the European or even world power women.

    2007 years, a rage, the film She herself is how to treat it?

    Yang Lan: Do you think

    Prada: Not very much, but it looks better than the written.

    Yang Lan: better than the original?

    Prada: better than the original!

    Yang Lan: You were named the fashion industry one of the most powerful women. The fashion industry, you are not ashamed of this award. You like to be known as a strong woman it?

    Prada: Yes and no.

    Yang Lan: Why?

    Prada: Do you think your brand and powerful, very powerful, full authority, capacity excellent but sometimes the female mouth unforgiving link right?

    Yang Lan: the problem here.

    Prada: the problem here?

    Yang Lan: You just said what I was looking for a word, his mouth is getting, that is true. But you also want to enhance your fashion image of women.

    Prada: Yes, of course. Because I recently discovered in Italy in Europe, part of the struggle of women to give up, do not seem to increase their awareness of, or in more mature but less. Women are an important part of society, they are trying to achieve something. At the same time, I also hope that through my design, to enhance the status of women so that they lose a woman in the case of taste, full of wisdom, full of dignity.

    center in Milan, Italy gallery Emmanuel II, are located in a nearly century-old business, here is a founding PRADA brand stores. Early last century, PRADA design fine family, luggage and other high luxury leather products, favored by European nobility. However, to the sixties and seventies of last century, scenery past but no longer, as the industry competitive, old-fashioned business model, enterprises are facing bankruptcy. In 1975, only 25-year-old University of Milan, also studying for a degree in political science Miao Qi Ya Bo soil had to step into the family business, the share of the burden of the mother. When the ideal of social change experienced the reality of luxury fashion, how she experienced the pain and confusion it?

    Yang Lan: What is your ideal of life at the time? You choose to study for doctorate in political science, which for a woman is a very unusual thing.

    Prada: Of course,mac makeup wholesale, that was the era of the communist movement, so I hope everyone can enjoy the fair, just, free, these are the big time dreams. Of course in those days, that look is possible. Times have changed, different now, but I still think it is also a time of change, but it should be how to change and become difficult and complicated than before. But I still believe we can find a solution to make the world a better place.

    Yang Lan: a committed communist young women come from a bourgeois family. This has annoyed you? You fight before?

    Prada: Of course, resistance to the present. This is the fight of my life.

    Yang Lan: How did you rebel? You ran away from home yet?

    Prada: Yes, I was once run away from home, but after that I came into contact with political circles, became a member of the women's movement, but I also began to work. Can be both. Life is always formed by the opposite, of course, this was a problem.

