
Absolute Comedy

    1 unit of message, a leader said:

    2 boss once helped set the hotel, would like to ask people there anything like free Internet service, but could not think how to say how good, and asked each other: special services do? Looking for a long bed slippers, no, ask you: Why does my slippers gone?

    4 shopping, the friends suddenly exclaimed: __-!

    5 string I have the time to buy a lamb out of four fingers

    the boss said, br>
    out three fingers I say ; Premier Zhou ... ... One time someone call my cell phone: cauliflower 'soup!

    9 a meal at the noodle shop on a very slow hungry

    finally unable to bear Paizhuo Howling, wanted to say I do not put on the table, flip the noodle!

    results say: ... ...

    10 parents quarrel, my dad gas simply said: to the B, B score easily. After a while, B got the ball, A ball passed to him shouting loudly. B has shot the ball out of their own. Results A furious cried: I'm just really blind dog eyes ... ...

    audience laugh halo

    12 primary impression is extremely serious when the squad leader, a self-study courses, classroom Azeri Ding Fei sound, squad leader to maintain order after several had had enough, stand up and pound the table shouted one: Who will lock, interrupted his mouth!!! ... ... quiet

    13 class university, we Manchester United's fighting a guy asked how, he said excitedly:
    15 on the university, a teacher lectures, talked about a new type of material, said: br> 16 just on the university, military training, the company commander did not know where the accent, shouted the password - Master, a plate of hot and sour fried potato silk, do not put potatoes!

    18 eleventh grade, our language teacher was transferred to Beijing, Nanchang, a just and old teacher, with a focus on his accent. By his son on the Tsinghua University Department of Architecture, which is the purpose he came to Beijing, he was specially proud of his son, the sum we are talking about his son, and every time so that Tsinghua) University of toad (Construction) Department. . .

    moth to the frogs and toads if there do not become a snack. . .

    19 noon cooking, my mother gave me a pot of carrots: Section of the festival how to write? I answered: cursive character, plus a holiday in the first section below to remove cursive character head! All the staff of hilarious! I am not react ~~~~~~~!

    21 year looking for work, the interviewer asked me what year graduated.

    I meant to say 2000, was an excited, said: a student of Confucius it.

    very unhappy English teacher, said: What people are you still on the toilet?

    22 I have a test computer, the students have been three levels of review, one day playing football, the other students to the bottom line of the ball, only heard him shouting: Enter! Enter! (Biography)

    23 remember the time to buy a fruit called Elizabeth, and I mouth said: Boss, how much Shakespeare? The boss on the spot stayed

    24 physics teacher talk Wave: > 25 students said,

    a girl in a dorm to buy their sanitary napkins,

    said to his boss: a packet of sanitary napkins.

    boss actually Q: Sam Sun's or spicy?

    Then the students froze a moment and said: Sam Sun, and I fear I can not stand spicy. . .

    11, junior high school variety show, grab answer session.

    Judge: br>
    this time, a player to answer in the.

    host said, , heard a MM in the canteen shouting boss, not 2 two onions noodle! br> 15, the students have a bedroom, mom called me, I used to say Li Ning shoes and my sister went, my sister an opening: said: desperate moment, forgetten, hold for a long time, shouting: asked him a question, blurted out: colleague said: ? br>

    35, before we have a teacher of political economy, especially like McCain! One time about a strong dollar. He was saying, University of military training, the instructors screaming, said: use your next light (corner of my eye) alignment ~ ~ ~ ~ Oumen want to laugh and not laugh, the sad ah ....

    48. One day the students went home for lunch, a drink, her father suddenly came in and wanted to cry uncle, and the result was wrong, said: Big help students laughed to death

    2. An unfamiliar colleagues and I chat, chat content was terribly dull, the net about how he and his girlfriend, friends, how I have no friends

    Introduction to right,,,, until after he told a long time, looked at me,,,, it could be, he so much, I always stand right in the table ,,,,< br>
    moment, really do not know what to say, blurted even say one thing: your girlfriend is a woman, right?

    own Puhan half !!!!< br>
    5. high school class has a student named Huang Jiajian

    one day to the old school did not see him after class classroom seats empty

    to say one thing: Yi, Huang Jiajian people?

    called him after the whole class laughed Huang slut.

    6. before the test the teacher made the test paper, took a more behind the girls, shouting, The

    10. One evening, met an acquaintance, opening said: midnight bell a fierce version of the United States!

    14. one day to go shopping, urgency, found in front of a cafe, rushed to the front door screaming Webmaster: Do you where the toilet latrine ~?

    15. buy lunch in the cafeteria and see the favorite to long bean curd skin, an excitement and the waiter,vibram five fingers, to a potato skin, the surrounding people are shocked.

    16. As an opportunity to travel, the Bank of China to go to a place maintenance equipment, cook came out from the hotel after a taxi driver, said: I mean, at that time to buy a screwdriver, I did not notice that I said something wrong, then the driver has been very aggrieved at me, said: I was very angry, ferocious, said: it ! ! That know I was wrong, and hastened to explain for a long time, and now feel sorry for people think about women drivers.

    17. political lecture when the teacher once said: Repeat:

    Majesty, a good sword (base), His Majesty, a good sword (cheap) A ... ...

    speechless ... ...

    19. really good ass as the heart of hepatopulmonary

    20. junior high school when the teacher told Translation Who is this man?

    a student translation: Who is this man? The whole class laughed, the teacher silent

    21. Last visit to McDonald's, the salesperson said: Come to a bag of potato chips, they said no. I said, ah what shop did not even potato chips, so much turned away. . .

    22. midterm exam, even the girls behind the desk there is a pants shape pencil case, I look back, pen out, I said: 23. I remember Lu Yu a dog, next to the surprised yell MM: Yeah, the tail not the dog! !

    23. sun sun too ass

    24. remember when buying toy guns and filled the circular plastic bullets, directly to the toy store's grandfather, said: buy a pack of the original (circular ) bullets!

    25. classmate explained to me how to make a query call.

    I want to ask there is a real person answered the phone or voice, actually said has become: gg kept looking at the train station where the package.

    to a head Patrol, gg immediately approached and asked politely: Caesarean section to the Japanese samurai suicide.

    teacher, said: sweet MM, she told me his extension number, I do not know who I'm looking for a man or a woman surnamed Wang, and I by the way the words,
    29. college, I was studying just bought a cell phone, do the mobile cards, playing 1860 manual desk for a moment excited: How to move with your business. . . ,insanity dvd, Hands-free, we even heard from Miss polite attendant said: We touched the ground with the business. . . All quarters laughs

    30. Junior year the students went to the fish November mall I work. Guests got to pick a good fish, my classmates and gently said to him, pointing to kill Yutai:

    Yesterday, someone said to give me about a girlfriend, I had to ask Death of their own sweat!

    32. the teacher asked us: said, Almost every time to buy my wife eat cake! Results day I see the new out of a slightly smaller size of the cake, looks basically the same, but I'm not sure, then ask the salesman aunt: supercilious

    35. cousin house to open kindergartens, she was in a hurry, asking me to help her take care of the children 1 hour,mac makeup, what a game story. The first time in the face of more than a dozen children, too nervous, tongue tied: .


    convex into concave ....< br>

    original copies of the scripts: I have 110 police officers and wounded two after the criminals fled

    announcer read: Two hundred and ten criminals and police officers injured after I fled

    (Once Upon a reincarnation ??!)< br>

    When my high school and my brother a class, he sat behind me the night we

    geography teacher asked us:

    you who is the sister? Who is the younger brother?

    I was to stay out


    Liangpi dormitory after a purchase, go to another dorm little walk, come home and find my roommate eating Liang Pi.

    they see me come back, one of them said to me: how do you back? Liang Pi is cold!


    day like soft drinks, catch a few steps toward the Lengyin Tan would like to say a bottle of soda, only to see the front of the beer stood, a radical actually said: fart water China has one, and how Singapore can not get out of a negative right

    42. before the red and white plane with a game called br> 43. there is a guide: out of Asia, out of the world!

    44. One time, my husband and I fight, he scolded me:

    45. We are a colleague, when he went to driving test, the examiner said the words of a classic:

    report instrument, the examiner normal ~~~~~~< br>
    46. I remember once, and a sister were children to KFC, the queue when I heard her murmuring a chicken burger, a pair of wings ......, finally her turn, an opening to Xiaofan All she wanted to say , two men volunteered to go to canteen to buy beer. Squad leader would like to remind them to buy cans of beer to buy, and may have been the talk of world events, the squad leader stand up and shout: . .

    48. MM told me that the new KFC's Miss Kentucky on smiling to the sentence: please give me two .............< Br>

    49. Once I asked my students where to live in the hospital the other students a subject, I can not remember something like that, something like medical acupuncture, the results said she was The.


    see the uncle of a boy: say! said:


    a shy male students to the cafeteria to play breakfast, a window that the master asked him: I want to ... ... a bun and a bun. 54. once my sister introduced me to a song,nhl hockey, she said, is Before the open class br>

    English class, the teacher: laugh.

    57. a classmate of his friends to call each other's grandfather then, that students do not know what they thought, mouth is: hung up ... ...

    58. My sister and a child playing at home, she pretended to a Touch of Zen, very alert to choose not to bite listen to the outside, and then look warily said to me: not bulk ah! I lie to my wife said, but also a long time, not very happy to hear her hang up the phone, my heart said to surprise you ... ... to buy a flower, and rush to buy chocolate, they rush to play car, not hit a long time , finally found the car, home, rushed upstairs, quietly opened the door and saw his wife in the kitchen, and my heart burst of warm, look, jumped in the past, and raised flower trembling and affectionate with his wife, said ... ...

    ... ... Merry Christmas! ! ! ! ! !

