
For the five OL thin waist on Broadwood

copy the URL into a belly woman most likely to Mo OL was too. Long desk, and lack of exercise, is most likely to accumulate fat on the family. How can I get rid of the belly bulge has formed it? Xiaobian Broadwood introduced by five back method, let your body fast convex!
Broadwood a thin abdominal Law: Domestic thin abdominal method
for OL type: eat less acting
domestic thin abdominal method
specific rules: For only like to eat do not want to move the OL, it wants to build good will The so-called hard-working big packaged food is to eat less, do more heavy housework. Because very little movement already, so not only do the housework and work hard. Belongs to this type of OL, only need to remember one principle - to avoid the light to heavy. For example, no vacuum cleaner to clean the room, but clean with a broom and cloth; in the office can also be doing the In fact, the movement does not mean going to the gym,
Broadwood thin abdominal Act II: abdominal exercise chair,mac makeup, lean
for OL types: sedentary store meat-type
thin abdominal exercise chair
< p> specific rules: OL little movement in their daily lives to the abdominal muscles, coupled with long-term sitting in the office, abdominal fat was not uninvited. Faced with this situation, the chair every day before going to bed to do some weight-loss operation is very necessary. First of all, lying on the floor, feet set aside in the chair, legs at right angles to the ground. Placed behind the right hand, left hand stretched sideways. Upper body and then gradually rose, reaching a 30 degree angle with the floor, while the upper body forward when the right elbow to left knee twisted. This action 15 times each,vibram five fingers, 3 sets every day, you can see results within two weeks.
Broadwood thin abdominal Act III: Coarse salt thin abdominal method
for OL Type: Abdominal fat large
coarse salt thin abdominal method
specific rules: have to say, some kind of bad luck OL belongs to the natural large waist type. So for the OL abdominal fat, the abdominal long-term Can go to the supermarket to buy several bags of coarse salt on the home stand, before each shower, take out a cup of hot water mixed with a little coarse salt into a paste, then the coating in the stomach. After about 10 minutes massage with warm water to wash away. Every time before they insist on using coarse salt bath massage, even if hard to get the abdominal muscles, there will be punch and change. Need to be reminded that, if the skin is sensitive, please select the specific
Broadwood thin abdominal and France: thin abdomen abdominal breathing method
thin abdomen abdominal breathing method
specific rules: Many OL normal weight, but the abdomen able tangible lot of fat, which causes a great diet. So for the type of OL abdominal fat is filling, the most likely method is the thin belly Inhale, the belly bulging, breath, the belly tight. Do not underestimate the breathing, it can help to stimulate gastrointestinal motility,insanity dvd, promoting the excretion of body wastes and smooth airflow. Walking and standing are usually remember to use abdominal breathing, just a few weeks, only the lower abdomen will flatten and even walking up the position will become attractive.
Broadwood thin abdominal Law Five: towels thin abdominal method
for OL type: postpartum fat type
towels thin abdominal method
Specific rules: With age, the impact of growth and fertility of women from the waist fat will start first. So I want to say goodbye to fat and signs, can rely on a towel to cut belly. On the bed of a large bath towel, sit in on. Hands, grasp the towel in the feet, Douzhu behind. Knees, feet placed on the ground. Inhale, abdomen, rise up, neck, shoulders and lift up off the ground. Maintain this position, inhale slowly while kicking one leg straight, heel off the ground. Breath, leg retracts knees posture, and back to the other leg. Note that, breathing in the order must be correct, if we do every day 5 group,nhl hockey, two weeks after the change can be seen waist friends.
(internship Editor: Yan Lili)

