
Ski Mountaineering in Asia 2011 Conference ended in Jilin Beida Lake - WASHINGTON

 Page Location: Home → News → China Football Sports News NBA Sports International Football Star Chinese Channel: ski mountaineering in Asia Conference 2011 in Jilin Beida Lake ended at 16:24 on March 10, 2011 Source: China News to participate in interactive (0) 【Font: ↑ ↓ Small Big】 Xinhua BEIJING, March 10 ski mountaineering by the Asian Union and the Chinese Mountaineering Association's ski mountaineering in Asia Conference 2011 in Jilin Beida Lake 10 at the end, from China, South Korea's recent 50 Asian ski mountaineering enthusiasts attended the event.
the General Assembly adopted a combination of training and competition in the form of players who not only arranged for the participants on a route set, equipment operation, travel tips, Snow rescue, referees and other aspects of training,blackhawks jerseys, but also organized by the vertical racing, individuals and groups cross-country snow skiing composed of three items aid climbing competition.
organizing committee also invited two special areas of ethnic minority from Xinjiang Altay friends, for the participants of the original team members were climbing skiing performance. This originated in the mountain ski million years ago, the original techniques and equipment still in Northwest China,mac brushes, Northeast snow-covered area in the extensive use of the residents is that they usually live and hunt an important means of transport.
President of the Union of Asia ski mountaineering, ski mountaineering large Han Shanyue Alliance project director, Mr. Liu Hankui attended the meeting and personally teach players to guide team practice.

ski mountaineering in this alliance continues Asia Conference 2010 Asia Cup Ski Mountaineering Ski Mountaineering Competition and the Asian tournament training camp with a successful model, and plans to this form as promote the development of the Asian mountain skiing is one important way to continue to hold down the next year.
the conference was Ozark outdoor sports brand, Jilin Beida Lake Tourist Economic Development Zone and the North Lake resort support. More exciting content, please enter the sports channel happy network space QQ QQ Sina microblogging microblogging share in the new space to: participate in an interactive (0) Editorial: Official Zhixiong】 Related News: * Kanas pastoralists pedal fur ski snowboard debut in Asia Featured Conference climbing ----- ----- * Tokyo Sports News World indefinite extension of the Japanese skating team coach AFC underdog battle to decrypt lost lindane shot three times a week advertising Liu Insider: Ji Shenzhen Universiade Wang Liqin successfully graduated from Tokyo University of years yet skating championships postponed indefinitely or canceled defeated Wang Lin Dan All England to win the title suitable for the speed skating world championships in China Xian 2 gold, fellow Japanese player Ai Fukuhara pray earthquake stopped praying La Liga Liu Entertainment : Barcelona away draw against Serie A: AC Milan Vice President in the All England badminton flat Open: Lin Dan defeated to win the title King of the title suitable for the content of Xian Minimum 3 years of age lost to the United Kingdom commemorate the vision of the old field performances were executed or died at HELLO KITTY founder passed a number of cartoonists missing TWICE>> CNS area thermal paste hot friends with people ranked terms of the King lives! * North drift three sisters headed dog complaints rip the consequences of an intermediary (Figure) * Yao Chenfu divorced women as second homes? • Scientists believe that men will become extinct? * 40-year-old also crowded subway, lived in vain! * Moving on the streets after the earthquake in Yunnan Province plans Yingjiang crazy two women passionately kissing hot streets of Chiang Kai-shek who have a duel on the southern Japanese lover in the set of 30 600 high-speed rail station? U.S. ad shoot firearms, the U.S. pythons prey process, ultra-eclectic shock decrypt the studio to see Advertising supermodel brother spent 5 million Vietnamese wife bought house prices because the people too much money? WASHINGTON Friends of the original paste:
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