
From clothes to shoes, the truth b2c online shopping hot 2010

      hot in recent years more and more online shopping market in the year also increased to maintain a good momentum. B2c shopping online this year in which the whole of the online shopping market is particularly eye-catching performance, which makes the online retail market by many investors and entrepreneurs of all ages.
    Here we may want to look at the overall situation of e-commerce market, according to the case of China Fashion Weekly reaction, in the first half, the entire e-commerce market turnover reached 2.25 trillion,blackhawks jerseys, expected turnover this year will be more than 4.3 trillion. As of June this year, the number of domestic individual shop has reached 12 million, and the rapid growth this year is expected by the end of the shop will exceed 13 million the total number. To be honest, I still see the figures feel more surprised. China this year, the economy started to slow down the momentum of the case, e-commerce market could have such results, it shows great potential.
    At the same time a lot of b2c companies started to target the market window, as the first generation of b2c business, place. Blowout in this era of online shopping, in order to stand out have to learn, even if it is to learn from your competitors. One way to market Mecoxlane can say reflects the common features of b2c companies listed: the development of more than 5 years, sustained and stable growth for many years, in their respective segments has a leading position in the after life is not less so on the financing. Followed Dangdang and Mecoxlane forward,vibram 5 fingers, ready to join the Army are listed Jingdong, where passengers. Both b2c business is currently more optimistic about the industry's market reserve. And the other online shopping business - we look forward Taobao is worth, in the November 1, Alibaba's Taobao Mall announced the launch of an independent domain name tmall. Singles in the subsequent arrival of the day November 11, Taobao Mall is the introduction of the audience buy half-price 包邮 activities.
    b2c business over more than the field, and in this market with outstanding performance in apparel sales, faint category to become the first commercial online shopping - no wonder women and children say the best make money ah. Ereli issued under the The next few years, b2c market will continue growing rapidly. Statistics show that China's online shopping market retail sales of consumer goods now account for only 1% -2% of the total, while in South Korea, the proportion was 10%, about 4% in the United States, comparison, online shopping in China market prospects are very bright.
    in such a good market prospect, domestic b2c companies should look at the immediate situation. Otherwise, such a large piece of cake in front of you want a slice, is not so easy. China's online shopping market is currently good and the bad businesses, except some of b2c companies already listed, there are some such as music Amoy,mac makeup, which serves, good music to buy, red kids, I bought the show from the Web and other new markets to be in this sub- a piece of cake. Here I would like to mention the 100 points the b2c companies Yiu, Yiu point 100 is Taiwan's largest online shopping mall of the core members of b2c and Qiming Venture Partners co-founded. Said a monk from the Scriptures, Yao's team 100 points in the establishment and operation of Taiwan Taiwan's most successful e-commerce platform, and relying on a strong technology base and efficiency of the product management, and the large flow of import and supply chain support, to achieve the most effective integration of resources, which makes us more in e-commerce has a wealth of industry experience, the strength is very strong.
    I did notice that the Yao 100 points, 100 points because of Yao when put into operation quickly pulled into the two Jiang Yuan - Baidu and Daphne, and created a performance increase of 200% per month rapid development. China Internet users find information through search engines can be said that the habit had caught on, and occupied the largest share of the search engine is Baidu, and Baidu in the joint, the Yao-point 100 can do online shopping for high-density national coverage Once Baidu's strengths and resources of online shopping platform for seamless vertical integration of the Internet world in China will have far-reaching impact limitless.
    Yiu point 100 and another partner Daphne store pick up service with the launch, could become a virtual online shopping mall and the best combination of physical stores, which will push the concept of Virtual and Yao 100 points development. At present, most of the b2c site will do little to consider the consumer's position, to provide better service and convenient way. Relative to the number of entities
    business online shopping secretive manner, Daphne Yiu point 100 with actual situation and the way to other entities will provide some new ideas. I believe that perhaps this is from clothing to shoes b2c online shopping hot 2010 the truth.
    However, in 2011, the online shopping market will be more intense competition. Such as Dangdang into the ranks of listed companies,mac brushes, or such like Yao point to open up new marketing model 100, in short, thinking about how to deal with, and how to adapt to the new wave of online shopping and using it to enhance their competitiveness, or open up new competition Blue Ocean

