
Living Home Health Guide winter maintenance method moisturizing sunscreen with both hands - living at home - People in Tianjin window

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    To ensure skin looks older than actual age on the ID card is small, put an end to tension, peeling, pigmentation and other undesirable phenomena, protection and maintenance results of long-term struggle to protect the shining white of the ocean can budget under
    first, to sun.
    winter, many people like the sun, especially around noon, but it was still a strong ultraviolet. A fierce battle of the skin in summer, still can not be taken lightly, to continue to use high-powered sunscreen. Has emerged of the skin pigmentation and sunburn, but should be careful protection. Long-term outdoor activities, good sun to provide timely care.
    second, gentle cleaning.
    sun gradually weakened and the cold hit,insanity dvd, sebaceous glands and sweat glands become increasingly slow. At this point, it is necessary to pay attention to keeping the skin clean, but also avoid excessive bathing. Use a mild cleanser, cleaning,mac makeup, water temperature control, it is best to use Bath time not too long, 10 to 15 minutes.
    Third, enhance moisture.
    dry and windy in winter, the skin requires not only pay, but also need to add the appropriate oil. Replaced according to their skin condition moisturizing products such as moisturizing gel used to replace summer moisturizing lotion,vibram 5 fingers, moisturizing cream into the moisturizing lotion. Chapped lips do not use saliva to when the

    fourth, frequently rubbing body lotion.
    the hot summer months,vibram five fingers, do you think will wipe sticky uncomfortable body lotion, which may be lazy reasons. However, after entering the winter can not be lazy, take a bath after a certain body lotion to rub on quickly, especially in limbs.
    Article V, both inside and outside.
    winter worry, you need to nourish the body, the skin can shine. Tremella jujube soup is the most affordable and convenient fall tonic, men and women safe. Can also add into wolfberry wolfberry or the dates, swap swap taste.

