
High road

into the mud into the public toilets the toilet.

park toilets logo is prominent in high-speed Road exit.
1 hour, Mr. Wang has insisted Spring came, home or travel by members of the public highway, more and more public toilets near the highway going to the toilet and thus ushered in the peak. Chongqing Expressway Yongchuan toll exit,mac brushes, there is a beautiful newly built public toilets, leading to the toilet on the way there are pavilions, flowers and lawns. A few days ago, visitors encounter an awkward Mr. Chen ran to the toilet, changing into slippers before, this is why?
Time: 14 pm WHO: Drivers Chen
14 afternoon, Mr. Chen drove the people driven out Yongchuan toll friends, see the right lane marking parking spaces. Parking, public toilets, he was prompted to trot all the way down the piece of card and ran the direction from the main city --- to Yongchuan, He held his 1 hour.
Step foot on public toilets, Mr. Chen was stopped. Initially, Mr. Chen unknown reasons, the other pointing to the entrance a pair of plastic slippers male toilets, said the shoes had to go in for convenience.
Cold weather, Mr. Chen not want to change shoes. Women still hold his shoes to the toilet. At this point, with Mr. Chen's friends with cars to public toilets, convenience, and the women's argument. They are mainly worried about so many people across the slippers, you may have athlete's foot.
this process less than 2 minutes, Mr. Chen felt Finally, when he was a pain in the face of some of convulsions, rushed into the toilet slippers.
Public toilets and outside the city, he visited many public toilets have been even five-star, for the first time into the toilet slippers before encountered. , He do not understand this strange thing is cleaner initiative, or deliberately make things difficult for people weird.
Mr. Chen said he would like to know the truth behind the toilet slippers, as he was later to reflect the relevant departments without a positive response.
Time: noon yesterday, people: cleaner Zhang Sister
Yesterday afternoon, reporters rush to find out. Public toilets are pretty much seems to house. Off will find here close to the highway toll station, is a free open community park --- Wang Yin Park. Public toilets as part of the park, leading to the park pavilion along the direction of a small, public toilets and signage is very visible.

Need to add that the scene of several other workers also confirmed that the slippers can not change things into the toilet occurred about six weeks ago. Order between the locking, but no slippers.
Yan Bi, hearty laughter.
Sister Zhang cleaners is really people who admitted to using the toilet her slippers come up with the cost of the Bought four pairs of slippers, and she thought of each person's foot size is different from purposely bought the largest number.
part of the garden is to carry out the construction workers, almost everyone when they go to the toilet were stained with mud feet.
time: yesterday afternoon People: cleaning head
women, said to be
, She said, was step on dirty public toilets, Zhang finished cleaning the toilet sister put men and women, only one would need to spend more than an hour.
Turning to the entrance of public toilets is now no reason put slippers, Zhang Sister guess who might be too troublesome to take advantage of changing his shoes and cleaning the road when she went to intentionally throw or stolen. To this end, she was depressed: do not change into the toilet slippers, stained the ground who will later go to the toilet It would be dereliction of duty for her guilt.
Yan Bi, she began to take over towing on the ground over the mud footprints.
Later, she was cleaning out her daily schedule: 7:00 to 6 pm the evening,mac makeup, she was a little break for lunch in addition, the public toilets, parks and parking area exit fees, she must keep a broom or Drag Pa cleaning.
yesterday, Zhang Sister of the cleaning area, did not see a shell and other garbage. Huang Yuanrong evaluation, Zhang Sister is a very competent cleaning staff, and good heart.
Reporter: first, how do you think of this method?
Zhang Sister: Not-for slippers into the toilet, I spend more time mopping the floor does not matter. I am a rural person, not afraid of the difficult and tiring, fearing some hold back anxious people hurried in, is likely to step on mud wrestling.
Reporter: Request for slippers to the bathroom, views of how people change shoes?
Zhang Sister: Individual people do not understand, arguing with me. One time, I put a do not change shoes, estimates ran into the toilet old woman Wangwaimian down drag. Just want to scare her, Lang will be really a drag? I understand that people have three urgent. I also thought about the plastic slippers, cotton slippers replaced, but the cotton slippers Buhao wash, not easy to do.
Reporter: Now, slippers gone, you will be more onerous task of cleaning, are you going to do how?
Zhang Sister: slippers just to remind everyone put their own convenience, to others is also convenient. I do so, it may be some unreasonable, I feel that since the dry cleaning, just want it to dry to the best. Is difficult and tiring life, I think.
Huang Yuanrong said cleaning head, the construction area until after the completion of the park, public toilets will be spreading plastic red floor mats. At that time, Zhang Sister of the pressure will reduce the cleaning of public toilets, toilet were also feeling better.
halt Yesterday afternoon, in the management of the park looking Yongchuan Yin Metro Construction Management Committee Office, the staff who would require going to the toilet into the toilet slippers to explain matters. Now, public toilets are free. However, some areas still affected by the construction of the park, park on the way to more or less likely to cause falls and other security risks.
Who go to public toilets to prevent the emergency? Public toilets are free to do so unreasonable. Let those who go to public toilets in the toilet? Within the emergency workers will not go to the toilet slippers mud footprints will stay in one place, travelers also have views on the toilet.
Staff admitted that the CMC is now very anxious: the advent of spring, along the highway to return home, or certainly more and more people travel,nhl hockey, the number will increase going to the toilet. Easy to move criticized put slippers, do not put dirty --- hard to find expedient.
Wang Yin-park the expected completion time is the end of March. Municipal Services Branch, deputy director of the CMC of Tseng said that in the security to go to the toilet a short rest in the park, perhaps to keep public toilets clean and a good way to the most appropriate But he said it immediately stopped using the toilet slippers.
Services Branch of the initial idea is that the recent proposed toll exit on the other public toilets, a prominent set of
you convenience of easy way to others
She is doing, is also a good heart, want more free public toilets clean and comfortable, to avoid all wrestling. This is conducive to visitors, but also conducive to their own affairs (Zhang Sister have less work), is we all want to see. Of course, Zhang sister also thought to replace cotton slippers, plastic slippers, to go to the toilet were not cold feet. If it is replaced by cotton slippers, visitors may be easier to accept.
So, to keep public toilets clean and comfortable, and we passengers can do? Before going to the toilet to find a suitable place to shake off the soil on his own feet, do not throw cigarette butts and other garbage. Easy because we started from the lower body, upper body it is embodied in the thinking. We hope that through their own behavior in the lower, showing you my high human qualities, to the (Chief Reporter Huang Yanchun video news Ranwen She reported)
[Editor: Gao Jia Huan] Date: friends for Chinese New Year lucky money entangled: afraid to lose less fat and more fat fear of losing face (Figure)
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