
insanity workout road standards

2015 years ago, Beijing will be built or extended 478 km highway. Northwest Passenger focusing on the construction of new highways in Beijing, north-west State Road 110, two cargo channel, channel Jingkun Southwest Freeway, south of Beijing and Taiwan Highway channel, Channel 109 Western Freeway, northeast of Beijing-Qinhuangdao highway access and Beijing, close highway.the full realization of two or more national   insanity workout  road standards, speed up the support of area economic  mac brushes of Metro and communication focus of road construction, speed up the tie line key towns and highways construction. Improve the suburban and rural road network. Beijing will complete the preparation of the central city rail transit network encryption plan. Adjust the construction sequence, to unconventional construction, a line of a headquarters and the municipal, district linkage to accelerate planning and implementation.
line 5, Batong, 13 signal lines, power supply, depot and other reform will be implemented. Line 1, Line 2, Batong 13, line  
mac makeup  of security doors, updated electric line 1 114 buses, 186 on line 1 retrofitting old air-conditioning transformation. Train line extended from the 6 to 7, transport capacity increased by 16%. The purchase of 354 trains to achieve Metro Line 2, Line 4, Line 5, Line 10, the peak start an interval of 2 minutes, north face denali  capacity increased by 12.5%, focus, relying on rail transportation, urban expressway networks, bus lanes, Bus Rapid Transit bus lines and conventional ground and improve the integrated passenger transport, ground transportation center station and end of the first three transfer station system, construct bus rapid commuter network.

