
north face denali the Shandong Wushu the Taichung

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sinus to Geng (1899-1942), the word san, Shandong with people. Martial arts since childhood, is good at boxing Taiyi door armed. 18-year-old admitted to the Jinan Provincial one high school has not graduated, that is admitted to the Northern government officials, Ma Liang in Jinan founder of the Prince of equal civil and military martial arts master   mac brushes  parties. Three years after graduation, became the culture of the Republic of China's martial arts to promote the development of one of the key personnel. Jinan Qilu has taught at the  insanity workout of Shandong Provincial one, Shandong Province, a few people in the stadium and other institutions, as a physical education instructor. In 1923, north face denali the Shandong Wushu the Taichung III students some teachers and students, on behalf of Shandong to participate in the Shanghai Simon Public Stadium Guan's He Zhenjiang equivalent by the General Assembly, October 1928, representatives of G sinus to be held in Nanjing, Shandong to participate in martial arts state exam the first session, re After examination the country, was appointed National Secretary of the Central Health instructor. In 1929, Zhejiang Province, during the General Assembly martial arts entertainment, sinus to Geng was appointed judge. Early 1932, was recruited back to the Education Department of Shandong Province, Jinan, Han when he was governor of Shandong  mac makeup Drainage appointment as deputy director of National Art Museum, solely responsible for academic work. During the sinus to G deputy director, organized the first session of the 1933 Martial Arts provincial exams in 1934,

