
north face denali the inner hair cut. It

I-year-old practice Shaolin boxing, martial arts did not forget, after dark to practice. Grow into a young man, and I met at a training Jiuxianqiao gossip Master Yin School, called Zheng III. School is the founder of Ba Gua Zhang Yin Tai DongHaiChuan disciples preached Yin Fu Yin Fu into Beijing in the Boxer Rebellion, the way the royal family fled the West is the emperor's personal bodyguard. simple formula is to turn eight. Yin School of palm method is called tongue palm, the thumb is not propped up, but the deduction, such as the tongue in general, north face denali the inner hair cut. It is said that Yin Fu's hand hurt, ribs   mac brushes  thumb, so hanging down - this is a layman's good to be true. Yin School school for some time, there is a small practice in the near Hung Ga people, get along with me, recommended me to send gossip Program, said: p> Bagua Zhang Guosheng
name. I knew his name, he is the way training camp gossip, Cheng Tinghua is DongHaiChuan another famous disciple, He was a good Man generous attempts, a lifetime to make friends, wide Shoutu Di, when the Ba  insanity workout Zhang Qing Dynasty folk promotion, He does not claim credit small. Yin School is breaking legs, rotation, before breaking out toes. School is the deduction process steps, rotation, before the toes inward buckle. Yin School is eight formulas, Cheng sent Sixty-four hands, seventy trick mac makeup palm and other projects visit the body, there are many weapons. Cheng Yin camp than the rich to send, the more effort to eat more simply, the more intriguing about the rich, which is broader than Yin Cheng school doors to school because of it.

