
mac brushes Insufficient number of cross-town congestion

can learn to Washington, to encourage A man can not go. (Similar to the view number 3) Beijing Exploration of User license plate. (Supports the number 3) in the Yang units shall be provided for the employees to work a large bus, not a deadline for correction unit of capacity, not the conditions you out rings. 2, the larger the bus all the  north face denali  of unit 2 / 3, and then the odd-even rule line. 3, increase penalties for illegal parking. 4, increase the cost of keeping a car. 5, reduce travel, be given appropriate incentives. (A similar point 6) Tencent User Offenders are subject to heavy  mac makeup  , and make public transport faster up. Bus no traffic jams, a car who would like to take a bus, so the car is relatively reduced. (Support number 6) Zhaorong Xi, Han Yue to logistics companies and other large farmers market to move beyond the sixth ring; multi-sectoral focus of social work, providing one-stop service. (Supports the number 3) WOMAN Liang Xiaolin

solve the traffic congestion and other problems, first of all to transform the road, Ring road plus three wide double, three outside the ring since the beginning, the all around Victoria; followed bridge design, bridge design, unreasonable flaws are many, such as the Hui Xindong bridge, for example, roads can only turn right,
 insanity workout  straight, north-south road vehicles to turn left onto the ramp on the main road, so no need for traffic lights. There are too few rings slip away, such as Tiantongyuan to Jingshun to eight high ridge, or detour, or road is too narrow and could not go. (Support number 4) Xiu Guang-Wen, Liu road vehicles, etc. are all caused by some people, especially during morning and evening rush hour, driving a small passenger cars, 70% of only one person, rarely more than two. This will not only waste resources but also pollute the air, limiting the minimum number of vehicle (three or more), under-vehicle shall not enter within the Fourth Ring Road mac brushes Insufficient number of cross-town congestion charges can be. Into one revenue each time (more than 100), out of the city charge. Equality do not have the privilege, including all vehicles not exempted. There is precedent for foreign countries. (Support number 6) Li Tiezhu, Ms. Han and other residential communities

