
Ports toe shoes to lead the fashion in Paris Health Network cnxz.cn_ Chinese shoes shoes gathered together the industry elite world group

    Hello,mac brushes, Welcome to China Shoes Online! [Login] [Register] E lead to Member | Help | Set as Homepage | Add to Favorites it is prepared for the feet, The second layer of human skin, so wear when in the ground reaction force concentrated in the foot center of balance; it is the sailor, yoga enthusiasts, and canoeing enthusiasts, athletes and casual men who tracks the favorite; it its light appropriate and strong security features sweeping the world - Paris Ports subversion of the traditional shoe toe shoe market in the shoe fashion industry is a blast of
    early as 2007, to fill the gaps in domestic and international footwear market, Jiangxi Paris Shoes Co., Ltd. Ports development team took nearly three years of research and development, repeated hundreds of times after try, try wear and continuous improvement, and finally the world's first women's original Ports toe shoes in Paris not only to fill gaps in traditional shoe market, shoes from the fashion has been listed by environmental advocates in the love, to lead the new trend of natural health.
    2009 World Fashion TV International Model Competition Division in September of Jiangxi was officially launched in Nanchang, the activities of the world's largest fashion TV operators - Fashion TV founder,north face denali, is the largest of the introduction of the fashion media activities one. Top Global Fashion Festival this year by France, Germany, Korea and Taiwan, Eastern fashion television stations jointly. As a pioneer in the emerging fashion brand Ports toe shoes, portrait of Paris, sponsored the competition, to participate in this grand carnival activities. Paris Ports uphold the The combination is bound to sweep the global footwear market, to the unprecedented shock of the fashion world!
    solution the world's Sole surface is wear a thin layer of polyamide and more wear-resistant solid. Wear toe shoes in the most suitable sports: hiking, climbing, qigong jogging, fitness training, yoga, pilates, sailing, boating, kayaking, canoeing, surfing, windsurfing and so on.
    Google co-founder Sergey Brin (Sergey Brin) wearing surface made of breathable fabric sewn into five separate toes, the wearer between the toes separated from each other, feeling soft. comfortable and dry, inhibiting the bacterial infection, thus preventing the growth of athlete's foot.
    toe is the farthest place away from the heart of people, after five separate toes when walking between the toes and the toe massage effect will be automatically generated, thus promoting blood circulation to the toes, virtually to the wearer bring health.
    foot-shaped sole design according to the wearer without squeezing feeling between the toes, each toe stretching and mobility, toe bone deformation, no tingling feet, the real return to nature and feeling.
    toe shoes new design is a revolution of traditional shoes, especially to the young people the needs of individual fashion, creating a new material conditions.
    toe separate sports design, especially suitable for leisure activities of people like to travel, Man running, hiking, yoga and other indoor and outdoor wear.
    huge number of consumer groups: According to the relevant department of statistics, in 2008 China's urban residents, men buy shoes, 2.1 pairs per year, whereas women reached 3.7 pairs, it is conceivable that in cities and towns in the shoes hidden in a huge consumption potential.
    variety, moderate prices:
    a limited financial resources, lack of experienced investors to the market in a highly saturated environment, independent of their careers to create a very difficult, risk and large, if you choose good performance, the strength, credibility high company, joined the chain network, will greatly enhance the chances of success. Paris Ports shoe inventory, 100% modulation replacement policy, no doubt who will join the business risk to a minimum.
    join the management and operating systems available to help: investors to join the
    join the regional distribution of protection available: regional companies to adopt in principle the policy of exclusivity in a particular area within the exclusive authorized to form a strictly protected area in order to avoid vicious competition with the brand, assure the long-term interests.
    join a wide range of information sources available: company environment for a variety of national regional market analysis, and timely delivery to the franchisee, the franchisee is conducive to timely adjustments in sales.
    located in Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, near the major shipping companies around the airport only one hour away from Nanchang, convenient transportation, may be given favorable distribution franchisee support.
    Yihuang County of Jiangxi Province, Paris
    Ports Corporation Ltd Address: County of Jiangxi Province, six in the shop Yihuang Industrial Park
    Website: www.wzxjx.com
    Company Tel: +86 0794-7601599
    Fax: +86 0794-7601366
    Contact: 13,607,947,552 Total
    Hu Liu
    013 500 003 579 E-mail: prsports@163.com
    Account Name: Yihuang County Paris Shoes Co., Ltd. Ports
    Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China account Yihuang County Branch
    Account: 1511205009200030223
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